


CTIA Antenna Communication Exhibition in Orlando, USA in March 2011

My company in 3 Yue 22 days --24 days, to participate in Orlando CTIA antenna communications exhibition, extensive exchanges with clients in the Americas countries and regions, the evaluation of our products is extremely high.....



April 2011 Hong Kong Spring International Electronic Communications Exhibition

I company in 4 Yue 12 days --15 days, to participate in international telecommunications exhibition in spring 1 Expo Drive, Wanchai, Hong Kong held in Hong Kong, extensive exchanges with customers in Southeast Asia, Europe and America, a....



Singapore Asia Communications Exhibition in June 2011

My company in 6 Yue 21 days --24 days to participate in CommunicAsia in Singapore organized, extensive communication with customers in Southeast Asia and other regions, and received good results.....



September 2011 Beijing International Telecommunications Exhibition

9 Yue 26 May -30 May Shenghuade communications held in Beijing to attend the 20 session of the China International Exhibition. Shenghuade Communication has won high praise from customers for its main personalized beautifying antenna products....



November 2011 Shenzhen High-tech Fair

11 Yue 16 Ri Zhi 21 Ri Shenghuade communications participated was held in Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center China International Hi-Tech Fair ELEXCON (abbreviation: ELEXCON) Chinese science and technology first exhibition. ....



CTIA Exhibition in the United States in May 2012

5 Yue 8-10 Number of US CTIA show, held in New Orleans, Louisiana. CTIA (American Wireless Communications and Internet Association) is the largest and most representative comprehensive trade show for the wireless industry every spring. ....



April 2012 China (Suzhou) Information Technology and Network Technology Exhibition

On April 19-21 , Shenghuade Communication participated in the 2012 China ( Suzhou ) Information Technology and Network Technology Exhibition held at the Suzhou International Expo Center .....



Singapore Asia Communications Exhibition in June 2014

6 Yue 17 Ri to 20 days, Shenghuade communications participated in CommunicAsia in Singapore, Singapore Telecommunications Exhibition was founded in 1979 , it is the most important Asian IT and communications exhibition, focusing on aid to demonstrate ....

平安县| 凤庆县| 咸阳市| 绿春县| 广汉市| 普陀区| 鄯善县| 长丰县| 霍城县| 宁阳县| 阿克陶县| 怀化市| 侯马市| 泌阳县| 格尔木市| 南昌市| 长武县| 呼玛县| 恩平市| 育儿| 弋阳县| 韩城市| 大连市| 望城县| 兰州市| 平泉县| 即墨市| 古蔺县| 于田县| 隆尧县| 卢湾区| 镇平县| 广宁县| 雷波县| 日土县| 呈贡县| 连南| 博野县| 宁武县| 延吉市| 江山市|