
April 2011 Hong Kong Spring International Electronic Communications Exhibition

Release Time: 2021-06-10 16:17:43

    I company in 4 Yue 12 days --15 days, to participate in international telecommunications exhibition in spring 1 Expo Drive, Wanchai, Hong Kong held in Hong Kong, extensive exchanges with customers in Southeast Asia, Europe and America, and received good results.

The Hong Kong Trade Development Council Hong Kong Electronics Fair (Spring Edition) is a grand event in the industry, where elites gather. The conference attracted 2,300 exhibitors from 23 countries and regions, including regional pavilions set up by companies from Mainland China, South Korea and Taiwan. The buyers who visited all fully understood the benefits of negotiating business at the exhibition. It is understood that a total of buyers from 153 countries and regions came to the scene to purchase what they needed.


  • Previous:Singapore Asia Communications Exhibition in June 2011
  • Next:CTIA Antenna Communication Exhibition in Orlando, USA in March 2011
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