
Singapore Asia Communications Exhibition in June 2014

Release Time: 2021-06-10 16:04:56

6 Yue 17 Ri to 20 days, Shenghuade communications participated in CommunicAsia in Singapore, Singapore Telecommunications Exhibition was founded in 1979 , it is the most important Asian IT and communications exhibition, focusing on aid to demonstrate new technologies and to promote technology into practical application , The influence mainly radiates East Asia, Asia-Pacific and South Asia. Based on years of profound understanding and hard work of the global communications market and the needs of operators, Sunward Communications brought the latest technological achievements and brand image to the Singapore Communications Exhibition, which not only demonstrated Sunward's determination and courage to go global, but also further Established international brand recognition, but also demonstrated the "Made in China" style.


  • Previous:April 2012 China (Suzhou) Information Technology and Network Technology Exhibition
  • Next:CTIA Exhibition in the United States in May 2012
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