
CTIA Antenna Communication Exhibition in Orlando, USA in March 2011

Release Time: 2021-06-10 16:19:58

  My company in 3 Yue 22 days --24 days, to participate in Orlando CTIA antenna communications exhibition, extensive exchanges with clients in the Americas countries and regions, the evaluation of our products is extremely high.

CTIA (American Wireless Communications and Internet Association) is a global non-profit organization established in 1984 , and has played an active role in promoting the development of the wireless and Internet industries so far. The CTIA wireless communication exhibition hosted by this organization is considered to be a global event focusing on the wireless field. It has a history of more than 20 years. The exhibition content covers the wireless industry's network facilities, wireless services, end-user software, applications and accessories. And so on.


  • Previous:April 2011 Hong Kong Spring International Electronic Communications Exhibition
  • Next:September 2013 Beijing International Information Exhibition
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