
SHD completed the share reform in October 2010 and changed its name to: Guangdong Shenghuade Communication Technology Co., Ltd.

Release Time: 2021-07-23 13:46:10

SHD completed the share reform in October 2010 and changed its name to: Guangdong Shenghuade Communication Technology Co., Ltd.


  • Previous:None
  • Next:In December 2005, the new plant of Foshan Shenghuade Communication Equipment Co., Ltd. was completed and put into use.
  • 从江县| 桐庐县| 双桥区| 昔阳县| 泰州市| 新蔡县| 资阳市| 西安市| 拉孜县| 普宁市| 浦县| 栖霞市| 胶州市| 瑞金市| 上栗县| 江西省| 太仆寺旗| 泰来县| 贡山| 奉节县| 兰溪市| 海晏县| 崇仁县| 杭锦旗| 伊吾县| 治县。| 收藏| 屏山县| 二连浩特市| 肥西县| 泾川县| 铜鼓县| 福贡县| 松阳县| 旬邑县| 嘉善县| 新和县| 诏安县| 来宾市| 阿克陶县| 高安市|