
September 2012 Beijing International Information Exhibition

Release Time: 2021-06-10 16:30:05

2012 Autumn September, " China International Exhibition " once again focused the industry's attention, and by the People's Republic of China Ministry of Information Industry and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade hosted the "2012 China International Information and Communication Exhibition ," 9 Yue 18 Zhi 22 Day was grandly held at the China International Exhibition Center in Beijing.

In this exhibition, Shenghuade is in line with the development trend of today's communication technology. Five categories of products including LTE , MIMO , RFID , WLAN/WiFi/WiMAX , and beautifying antennas are displayed at this exhibition, which clearly shows Shenghuade's various fields. The variety of antennas, and fully demonstrated the technological achievements of Shenghuade Company in the new year, and won the visit and praise of the majority of new and old customers. On the basis of this exhibition, Shenghuade will face the advancing sail and continue to inspire and innovate.


  • Previous:Hannover Exhibition, Germany, March 2012
  • Next:Shenzhen Smart Expo in August 2020
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